From VIN 15411 (approx) to 20000 - 8:1 & 9:1 CR
From VIN 15411 (ROW), VIN 16077 (North American spec cars), VIN 16071 approx (Corniche & Continental) and VIN 15436 (Turbo models) these are the pistons and rings that are fitted. The part number on the pistons that accept these rings is UE46311 (Naturally Aspirated cars) and UE46313 (Turbo models).
UE46310 is the 8:1 CR piston as supplied by Bentley.
UE46305 is the 9:1 CR piston as supplied by Bentley.
The Workshop Manual TSD2476 states that the cylinder liner diameters should be checked with a dial test indicator. If they are worn more than 0.1016mm (0.004") or if the ovality exceeds 0.076mm (0.003") it is necessary to fit new liners and pistons.